Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gay or Straight- Whats so Different?

Currently, the debate about the spread of HIV/AIDS has proved to be a very pressing, serious issue. In this regard, we understand that the disease is spread most effectively through anal intercourse. To explain, the tissue surrounding the anus is very thin. Thus, with forceful entry, the tissue is prone to tears and breaks. Consequently, the tears allow the virus to enter the blood stream more efficiently than vaginal or oral sex. However, I am not attempting to form a sex education course. Instead, I attempt to uncover the sociological aspects that might influence the rapid spread of the disease within the gay community. Moreover, we have all been to a nightclub, or even taken a casual walk through the mall. Many times, numerous men will approach a woman before the night at a club or stroll through the mall is complete. However, the majority of men’s efforts to seduce a woman are stifled, as the woman is usually the one to render any form of constraint. She is the one to say, “NO!” This argument implies that the majority of men will go to bed with whatever woman is willing. Similarly, what will we find if we apply this same concept to the homosexual population? Instead of the object of the man’s desire being focused on women, it is transferred to men. In this light, we uncover what distinguishes heterosexual interactions from homosexual interactions. Above, we determined that the presence of estrogen presented by the woman is what limits heterosexual exploits. In contrast, it is testosterone courting testosterone that magnifies the sexual occurrences in the homosexual population. There is no limiting factor that decreases the frequency of sexual interaction. Both men are equally willing and pressuring of the other- little constraint is enforced. My argument is not that gay men are more promiscuous; but rather, I argue that men are men despite their sexual preferences. When presented with the opportunity to have sex, most men will take it. Consequently, the lifestyles (i.e. gay clubs) are even more supportive of increased sexual interaction. Homosexual guys go to gay clubs with the intentions of men (i.e. find someone to go home with), and men often exhibited no constraint. With the above argument we might better understand the rapid spread of the disease within the gay community. Both the methods of homosexual intercourse and “the nature of men” promote riskier behavior. Accordingly, understanding this concept may help to fight the war against HIV/AIDS.


marissa said...

jeremy - glad to see you're back to posting. I have to wonder, how many gay men do you actually know and socialize with? because what you're describing is not in any way consistent with the lifestyles of the gay men I know in los angeles in 2007.

fyi, here is the CDC's estimated risk by act:,35251.asp

jachildr said...

Honestly, I don't many gay men. I have only seen tv shows like "Next" on Mtv that depict homosexual interactions. Again, I do not offer this post as fact. The posts are simply observations.