Saturday, February 10, 2007

What a Girl Wants... Maybe?

A GIRL wants a guy that other girls want. To clarify, human nature is to work for what we feel is important; otherwise, we are only settling for what is available. In this case, the feeling of accomplishment has not been realized once we settle for whatever or whoever is available. In relation, every woman has her idea of the perfect man imbedded in her mind. For the most part, he is not the one who is available at any given time; he is the one that she must work to get. Thus, the idea that looks don’t matter and personality is what counts is false. Moreover, once a girl begins to see that she is the only one attracted to her guy, she will eventually begin to question her own reasons for being with him. Accordingly, once she begins to question her motives for being with her partner, she will begin to think that she is settling. Besides, she has not had to “work” for him since he does not attract attention from other woman. As a result, the feeling of accomplishment is void. At this stage, all is lost; she believes that “she can do better.” Consequently, he is not the best for her.

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