Friday, February 2, 2007

Why Men and Women Cheat!

Men and Women cheat for different reasons. Generally, there doesn’t have to be anything wrong in a relationship for a man to cheat. By nature, men are visual creatures. If something catches his eye, he will act as a moth hypnotized by light. “The brighter the light, the stronger he will be attracted to it.” From this definition, physical attributes influence the act of cheating; the reasons behind his iniquity are purely physical. However, women are emotionally driven individuals. From this perspective, we may infer that women are drawn toward emotional and mental stimulation. Considering these are the qualities that encouraged her to stay faithful, what goes wrong when she chooses to creep? Usually, her desire for mental and emotional stimulation is left unfulfilled by her partner. Consequently, something has gone wrong within the relationship. The woman will only consider cheating once the man does not meet her mental and emotional needs. Accordingly, the man who meets her needs for mental and emotional stimulation will be the object behind her deceit. Although I do not offer an excuse for a man to cheat on his partner, the nature of the woman’s deceit requires the act of cheating to be premeditated. Moreover, the woman has planned and calculated the exact time to cheat on her partner. The woman learned to appreciate and adore the emotional and mental aspects of the other guy. Thus, the reason behind the woman’s deceit is not static; it cannot be isolated as only one episode. Rather, it is the culmination of continuous deceit within a relationship. “The other woman caught his eye; the other guy stole her heart.”

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